All About Me

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My name is Shelley Ortiz, and I have been teaching fifth grade for eleven years. This blog will describe what I love about teaching. It will describe what type of teacher I am, and include various lesson ideas for all types of learners!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Technology is IN and paper is OUT!

its crazy to me how much things have changed since I was in school. It seems like yesterday that most of my tests were given on scantrons, and required #2 pencils. Now it's all about typing and clicking on various keys in order to create and submit assignments and tests. Just figuring out how to navigate through different websites is a lesson in itself. However, I am learning to embrace technology in the classroom, and use it to enrich the learning environment. The children are much more comfortable using technology than using a textbook and worksheets. Why not use all the wonderful tools that the internet provides us?  Athough, the benefits that come with technology are great, there are many dangers as well. I believe it is crucial for children the importance of using the internet safely, and responsibly. So many kids are too young to understand the devastating consequences that can happen due to searching, and posting things that are I'm appropriate. Use learning tools that enable various security options, and encourage positivity among children.