All About Me

My photo
My name is Shelley Ortiz, and I have been teaching fifth grade for eleven years. This blog will describe what I love about teaching. It will describe what type of teacher I am, and include various lesson ideas for all types of learners!

Friday, January 22, 2016


21st Century Learning

     Preparing students for a successful future involves making drastic changes to our
current state of education, by incorporating 21st century technology.  Since I have started teaching, I have constantly been reminded that the way teachers are currently teaching, isn’t preparing students for a future in which technology is the main source of communication.  Watching the assigned videos, showed me that much hasn’t changed since the 1960’s.  The classrooms look the same, and are expected to be quiet, and teacher-driven.  With the rapid takeover of technology, our classrooms aren’t set up to prepare students to use technology to share their ideas, and create products that demonstrate their knowledge.  Teachers ask students to memorize, and regurgitate material, independently, and with very little use of technology.  Yet, these students’ futures will look drastically different, involving problems solving, and collaboration in the workplace.
            I can better prepare my student’s for 21st century learning, by changing the way in which I structure my classroom.  For example, I will create more opportunities for students to work together to complete tasks.  This will give them opportunities to improve their social skills, and discover knowledge on their own.  Instead of giving them the information they need to learn, I will give them the tools that will lead them to discover the concepts together.  Also, I have been using a class blog for many years now, to display homework, and reminders.  I want to start adding more resources on my blog that will assist students with the concepts, as well as help them dive deeper into concepts that interest them.  Cennamo, Ertmer, and Ross (2010) state, “You don’t have to create all your own web-based content but can instead rely on a variety of online resources to support your students in developing more deeply into content that is presented initially in class”(Cennamo, Ertmer, and Ross, 2010, p. 226).  I will use links to provide options for the student’s homework.   This will help the students be more engaged in their homework, by choosing what assignments fit their interests most.  I want my classroom to be filled with discussions, and be a comfortable environment for students to share ideas, and discover concepts in cooperative groups.  When my student leave my classroom, they will be prepared for a future in which technology is key in communicating and creating products, and they will truly understand what they learned, because they will have gained knowledge through problem solving activities.

Cennamo, K. S., Ertmer, P.A., Ross, J.D. (2010). Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use.  Belmont, CA:  Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Mediaineducation. (2007, September 9). Classrooms In The Future.
       Retrieved from
Shareski, Dean. (2006,  September 20).   Education Today and Tomorrow
     Retrieved from:
Teacherhacks.  (2007, July 4).  3 Steps for 21st Century Learning.

Believe in Your Students!

When I was in elementary school, my self-confidence was diminished with each school year.  I began struggling in first grade.  It took me longer to understand concepts, and needed extra review in order to retain them.  My teacher was wonderful.  She was patient, and understanding.  She showed that she cared about me, and wanted to help me succeed.  After first grade, this wasn’t the case.  Because I struggled, my teachers did their best to help me, but made it clear they didn’t believe in me.  I felt invisible sometimes, and got irritated that the teacher always called on the students that did well.  Over time, I basically gave up.  If my own teachers don’t think I’m capable, then what’s the point of even trying?  I started hating school, because it wasn’t a safe and comfortable environment to be in.  My paper was never put up in the classroom, because I didn’t get A’s.  In high school, I started going down the wrong path.  It was where I fit in, and it made me feel good.  I completed high school with average grades, only due to my mom’s consistent help.  I decided to go to college because I didn’t know what else to do, and my parents offered to pay for it.  This was when everything changed.
            I went into each class with people that didn’t know me.  The teachers didn’t know I struggled in school.  I was able to start with a clean slate.  I remember answering some questions in my classes, and feeling so good about myself.  I started joining discussions in classes, and had teachers that valued my opinion.  The most amazing thing happened……I started doing great!  From that point on, I began to enjoy school, and really wanted to learn.  I started learning how to take notes that helped me understand new concepts.  It was amazing that with confidence, I thrived, and was successful.  All I needed, was teachers that believed in me.  I needed to feel welcome, and important. 

            Make sure that all of your students feel important.  Show them you care by including all of them in discussions.  Put up everyone’s work, and truly believe that all of them can reach success.  You would be amazed how well they will perform when they are in a positive, and nurturing environment.  Understand that just because students struggle, doesn’t mean they are stupid, and less likely to succeed.  Being a straight A student doesn’t mean you will be successful.  However, having good character, work habit, and confidence will have an impact on your student’s future.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

My Background

My name is Shelley Ortiz, and I have been teaching fifth grade for eleven years.  I struggled in school, and never felt like I was smart.  Most of my teachers basically acted like I was incapable of being successful.  I wanted to be a teacher so that I could make every child feel confident, and able to reach their goals.  It is important that students feel comfortable, and important in their learning environment.  I believe that confidence is key to success!

Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners

      I believe that my own struggles in school help me to be a more effective teacher, and meet the needs of diverse learners.  I enjoy making lessons relatable to my students.  I make my lessons useful for different types of learners, by providing pictures, text, hands-on activities, and incorporating technology into my lessons.  I understand what it feels like to dislike school, and I don't want my students to ever feel that way.  I want them to embrace learning, and use their strengths to flourish.  I encourage very teacher to get to know all students, and believe that they can be successful.  All students have different learning styles, and by getting to know your students, you can use their interests to make lessons engaging and meaningful.
     I am a very outgoing, and silly person.  I believe my personality helps my students feel comfortable, and at ease in their learning environment.  I do many lessons that relate to their interests to get them engaged.  For example, when teaching math, I often give them problems involving downloading apps, and playing video games.  They are comfortable with technology, and therefore stay more focused during the lessons.  They often realize that they do math on a daily basis without even knowing it!  Children have to know that their learning is meaningful.  They want to know what they are learning is applicable to real life situations.  I always ask them to tell me why the concepts they are learning are important.  If my students need extra help, I give them the support they need to grasp the concepts.  I push all of my student to do their best, because I truly believe they can all get to where they want to go in life.